
Freitag, 13. September 2019

Philosophy @ the Virtual Museum

Philosophy @ the Virtual Art Museum uses works of art to inspire classroom philosophical discussions for high school students. The website is made up of six units: Portraits, Landscapes, Expressionism, Abstract Art, Conceptual Art, and Photography. Every unit contains three or four related works of art, each accompanied by a series of thought-provoking questions. For example, the portraits section includes portraits like John Singer Sargent's Portrait of Madame X, 1884 and Kehinde Wiley's Michael Borges Study, 2008, with questions such as, "What strikes you about this portrait?" and suggestions for asking students how knowing the gender of the sitter, the context of the picture, or the sitter's relationship to the artist might change their view of the portrait. Each unit is available as a printable .pdf, which should prove especially helpful to teachers. Under More, visitors can also find links to additional resources, such as Standford Online Encycolpedia of Philosophy articles and podcasts on relevant topics. Philosophy @ the Virtual Art Museum was created by Tom Wartenberg, an emeritus philosophy professor at Mount Holyoke. The site can be viewed in Spanish, Chinese, and German, as well as English.


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