On June 6, 1944, Allied landing crafts approached the French coast to
commence D-Day. The troops aboard knew that murderous machine gun and
artillery fire awaited them.
But the liberation of Europe would take more than overcoming the
German military immediately before them. It required overcoming the
terrain, too: the beaches, the heights above them, the marshes just
inland and the open fields cut into rectangular sections by tall
hedgerows. It was the power of American mapping intelligence that
helped the men in this momentous battle that became known as the “The
Day of Days.”
The night before the invasion — dubbed Operation Overlord — Allied
Supreme Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower, British General Bernard
Montgomery and other leaders gathered in Portsmouth, a port city on the
English Channel, for a last briefing on everything from the weather to
the terrain. One of the key presenters was U.S. Navy Lt. Commander Charles Lee Burwell,
a 27-year-old Harvard graduate who, while being “scared to
death,” nonetheless delivered a short talk on the tides and the
thousands of star-shaped steel barbs called “Czech hedgehogs” that the
Germans had dropped just offshore to wreck landing crafts.
The map Burwell and others were using for this top-level briefing was
spectacular: a one-of-kind, three-dimensional model of Utah Beach, the
code name for beaches near Pouppeville, La Madeleine, and Manche,
France. The top-secret model, made of rubber on two 4×4 sections,
depicted the beach and the interior pastures sectioned off by those
hedgerows, a geographic feature that obstructed lines of sight and
created conditions for deadly, close-quarter combat. Later that night,
Burwell took the model aboard transport ships, showing the commanders
and troops the same raised maps of the terrain they would see for the
first time in a few hours.
“(The soldiers) identified with it, ‘That’s really a road I’m going
to come next to a little forest, and woodland, a here’s a field,’ ”
Burwell later told the Library in an interview. “I think it made a lot
of difference. It was a technology worth developing.”
Burwell hung onto the model after the war and donated it to the
Library’s Geography and Map Division in 2003. You can see it by
But in mid 1944, the model, along with all other details of the
invasion of Nazi-occupied France, was a closely guarded secret. It could
only be unveiled once Eisenhower ordered the invasion to begin.
Information on the map had come from life-threatening missions over
enemy territory. Allied pilots had sortied over the Normandy beaches,
under German fire, to make up-to-date, stereo aerial photographs, which
provide the illusion of three dimensions to the viewer. American and
British reconnaissance teams, who risked life and limb, had gathered
information on sandbars and other features otherwise unobservable from photographs and maps.
This data was sent across the Atlantic to the Navy’s Special Devices
Division in Camp Bradford, Virginia, which assembled the model. Just
prior to the invasion, American pilots flew it back to Portsmouth, the staging ground for the invasion. There, Burwell and others used them in their briefings to Eisenhower and Montgomery.
“I would have preferred to go on one of those beaches,” Burwell said
of his nerves that night, in the Library interview. He recalled the
auditorium, that the models were elevated so that they could be clearly
seen – and that Montgomery, the legendary British commander, was a
dapper dresser. “He didn’t look like he was going to battle; he looked
like he was going to Greenwich village night club.”
The crux of the D-Day plan was that Allied troops were to land
between the Cotentin Peninsula and Le Havre and gain a secure foothold
for reinforcements and supplies. The Americans were to take Utah Beach
and Omaha Beach. The British and Canadians were to seize three beaches
code named Gold, Sword, and Juno. In order to execute the plan, the
tides at Normandy had to be low, thereby exposing the star-shaped Czech
hedgehogs, so that demolition teams could knock them out. The moon would
have to provide ample light for paratroopers to drop in behind enemy
lines the night before. Allied meteorologists predicted that between
June 4 and June 6 that those conditions were likely to be met.
But foul weather intervened, delaying the invasion. The troops,
having already been briefed and aboard transport ships, had to wait it
out in rough seas, as commanders feared that if they returned ashore,
they might let the secret slip.
The bad weather passed. The secret held. And on June 6, the invasion began.
Paratroopers dropped in behind enemy lines an hour or so after
midnight. Infantry and tanks hit the beaches at dawn. On Utah Beach, the
men rapidly overwhelmed the surprised defenders, suffering roughly 170
casualties. The scene at Omaha Beach was dramatically different. Some 24
miles away, the troops there endured withering fire from a determined
German defense, leaving some 2,000 men as casualties. Airborne troops
suffered the worst, with 2,499 casualties. In all, more than 4,400
Allied troops were killed on D-Day.
Still, by mid-afternoon, tens of thousands of troops were coming
ashore, along with tanks and transports and machinery. These
reinforcements were needed to secure the beaches and to push inland.
“Just chaos,” Burwell said, recalling the number of broken-down jeeps
in the sand on Utah Beach and the waves of troops and tanks still going
forward. He had come ashore, just for a few minutes. He was standing on
the real ground that the model had depicted, and the troops who had
used it were now moving inland.
The liberation of Western Europe was underway. There would be many
hard-fought battles before Nazi Germany surrendered 11 months later. As
Eisenhower said of D-Day, it wasn’t the end, but it was the beginning
of the end.
via https://blogs.loc.gov/loc/2019/06/d-days-top-secret-map/
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