Educators and speculative fiction aficionados who appreciate diverse
representation in their literature should check out the Queer Science
Fiction and Fantasy Book Database. Here, visitors will find a
thoughtfully constructed database cataloguing dozens of science fiction
and fantasy books that feature queer protagonists. It includes acclaimed
authors such as Octavia Butler, Seanan McGuire, and Malinda Lo, as well
as up-and-coming writers. In addition to searching by various queer
identities (e.g. asexual, genderfluid), the database can be filtered by
numerous other factors including intersecting identities (e.g. mixed
race, physically disabled), genre (e.g. space opera, epic fantasy),
intended age group, and length. Also noteworthy is the collection of
miscellaneous tags pointing out categories such as author of color,
first in series, or self/traditionally published, as well as content
tags such as "contains: world without homophobia," and "ends with queer
protagonists alive." Clicking a book cover leads to a page where
visitors can read a brief description of the story, see its included
types of representation, and find links to reviews written by readers
who (when possible) match that representation. This ongoing project was
created by Sarah Waites, an avid book lover who aspires to work in the
publishing industry.
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