
Mittwoch, 24. April 2019

Rebels with a Cause? Supporting Library and Academic-led Open Access Publishing

Jeroen Sondervan, Joe Deville, Graham Stone, & Sofie Wennström. (2019, April 18). Rebels with a Cause? Supporting Library and Academic-led Open Access Publishing. Zenodo.

The authors, who all have experience with academic publishing, outline the landscape of new university and academic-led publishing, before discussing four pressing and often recurring issues that are often used to challenge the existence of new university and academic-led publishing ventures. The authors provide examples of how, albeit differing in scale, form and ambition, these new presses are adhering to academic quality standards and often surpassing them. This article is an elaborated and extended version of a panel discussion held at the Annual LIBER Conference 2018 in Lille, France (Deville et. al. 2018).


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