
Dienstag, 23. Januar 2018

Funding Libraries Is The Way To Beat ‘Fake News’ / Lisa Eve Cheby

I remember the days when we all got our news in the morning or evening at 5 o’clock, 6 o’clock or 11 o’clock from one of the three or four channels we trained our antenna to transmit into our television. We all had to listen to the same broadcast on TV and a few selections of local radio and papers and magazines. I am not being nostalgic, rather just remembering there was a time when we had no choice but to go to sleep and wait for the next news cycle to know who won the election the day before.  I am sure, in the days of print and broadcast TV there were the journalists and politicians who were up all night waiting by news ticker, or earlier the telegraph, keeping vigil as the average worker slept for another day of work.  Today, we all are watchers of our personal buzz as the tickers have multiplied and sped up, our own personal daily state of crisis.  The buzz around ‘fake news’ may be one of the loudest. In our perpetual state of crisis, it is like the boy who cried wolf, it is the red herring distracting us from the actual state of crisis that is being constructed by fake ‘fake news.’ ... Just as teachers are experts in their subject matter, librarians are experts in the organization and retrieval of information. We are experts on how to create search strategies and navigate scholarly databases, many now online. We help educators at all levels help their students, maintaining print and digital collections to support curriculum and research. Libraries are often in forefront of technology, particularly in relation to organization and presentation of information, and teacher librarians are leaders on campuses for implementing technology and promoting digital citizenship. ... [mehr]     

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