
Montag, 20. November 2017

Katalonien einmal anders: Ein Blick auf die Buchindustrie

The city of Barcelona has just 1.6 million residents, yet it dictates much of what Spanish speakers around the world read. Barcelona is home to the two dominant Spanish-language publishing conglomerates, Grupo Planeta and Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, and it is the hometown of the most influential literary agency working with Spanish authors, Agency Literaria Carmen Balcells, as well as numerous highly regarded independent Spanish-language publishing companies.

It is also the capital of Catalonia, where more than 60% of the residents, in addition to speaking Spanish, speak and read Catalan and identify themselves primarily as Catalan. This cultural division is what, in part, prompted Catalonia to vote on October 1 to secede from Spain and become an autonomous state. ... [mehr]

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