The Women's Library of the London School of Economics (LSE) presents this collection of over 300 digitized artifacts that span five centuries. From Photographs, Postcards, and Objects to Books, the material here offers insight into historical views of women and the history of the women's rights movement in England. Visitors can read the letters of suffrage activist Emmeline Pankhurst; examine the 1971 notes from the LSE's Women's Liberation Society; and read seventeenth century household advice to women via Countrey Contentments, or the English Huswife. This text from 1623 advises that women be "religious" and "temperate" and provides a recipe for a remedy designed to "quicken a man's wits" - seemingly from excessive intoxication. Visitors can conduct a keyword search of the archives, explore collection highlights via timeline, or browse by type of archival material. In addition, the Women's Library @ LSE presents two online exhibits. One exhibit highlights digitized copies of rare books, including the aforementioned Countrey Contentments. The other displays a collection of archival material that sheds light on the life and work of Emily Wilding Davison, a prominent activist for women's suffrage who was killed at a horserace attempting to drape a pro-suffrage sash on King George V's horse.
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