
Mittwoch, 21. November 2018

For the Virtues I Have Acquired as a Librarian, I Am Truly Thankful / Kristen Arnett. In: Lit Hub Daily November 21, 2018

I spend a lot of time bemoaning the nonsense that patrons get up to in the library (let’s face it, it’s a lot of damn nonsense), and sometimes all that tomfoolery really bums me out. I start to question my life’s work. I wonder why I even bother. This week, in the middle of writing another list of stuff that annoys the hell out of me when it comes to librarianship, I closed the computer and took a mental health break. I drank a beer, watched some very bad television, and cuddled my dog. I refused to check my work email. The next morning, I opened my computer back up and came up with a new list; a list of things that librarianship has given me. A list I feel thankful for—even if those things weren’t necessarily appreciated at the time.
This is a big one. Whether it’s waiting for somebody to finish up on the computer so you can close the library and FINALLY eat dinner or being forced to listen to a patron complain about the fact that the temperature is too cold/hot/lukewarm for their liking, librarianship has taught me infinite patience. It’s hard to sit and listen to people complain. It makes you want to stuff your fingers in your ears and start humming the theme from Jeopardy.
At the end of the day, library work is a service job—and that means that the number one thing you’re doing is serving the public. That includes listening to complaints. And sometimes when I am listening to people complain, I realize they just want someone to listen to them. So it has helped me have patience in other areas of my life, to know that at the end of the day we all just want to the opportunity to bitch about something. We want people to listen to us. Okay, yes, some people are just big ol’ pills—but it’s helped me realize that if I have patience for them, I can basically deal with anything. Which leads me to my next point…
A Sense of Humor
Oh buddy! Do you think I was always this naturally hilarious? Well, I mean, the kernel of humor was inside me all along, but working in a library has allowed me to view all of humanity as a spectacle ripe for amusement. Have I watched someone look up the phrase “take me to the search engine that starts with a G” on Google? Yes. Have I been asked how to spell “fornicate” while sitting at the reference desk? Also yes. Has a small child ever asked me if I was going to have a baby because I decided to wear a peasant top one Storytime after eating six donuts in the staff lounge? A hearty HELL YES. I mean, if I can’t laugh at myself, then what’s the point? Being around a variety of people in a community space has allowed me the true and delightful joy of understanding that people are just goofy all the time. So am I, a total dummy, and frankly I think that’s terrific. ... [mehr]

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