
Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2018

The Half-Wild Muse: On Writers and Their Cats / Tim Weed

Domestic cats can be disturbing to those who don’t know them. Such people usually call themselves “dog people,” but in reality they’re just afraid.

I can relate to this. Cat-lovers posting distracting memes on social media may give the impression that their favorite little pets exist to entertain humanity by making adorable faces accompanied by adorably ungrammatical captions, or to amuse us by leaping up in instinctual terror when confronted by a surreptitiously placed cucumber. In reality domestic cats (felis catus) are fearsome predators, smaller first cousins to pumas, panthers, and saber-toothed tigers. According to a National Geographic DNA study, it’s likely that cats were drawn to farming communities in the Fertile Crescent 8000 years ago. They struck up a mutually beneficial relationship with our human ancestors, controlling rodents in exchange for food, and spread from southwest Asia into Europe as early as 4400 B.C. The process of domestication, according to evolutionary geneticists, hardly changed felis catus at all. In the words of the late Austrian zoologist Konrad Lorenz, “The cat is a wild animal that inhabits the homes of humans.” ... [mehr]

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